Australian Heist
Australian Heist
‘There won’t be any killing, you lunatic,’ Gardiner said as he gave Gilbert a playful slap. ‘It will be an ambush. They won’t stand a chance.’ Hall stood up. ‘Where you thinking, Frank?’ he asked. ‘Somewhere in the Blue Mountains?’ Gardiner shook his head. ‘No, we’d get lost and starve. There is no taming those mountains. But Eugowra? That’s our land. And have you seen Eugowra Rocks? There’s a boulder the size of a hut, and the escort passes right by. Behind is the Nangar Ranges, a perfect getaway. It’s rough, steep and hard riding – perfect for us, terrible for them.’ Gardiner laid out his plan. Eight men, two groups. Blacked- out faces and shotguns. Horses, and heels loaded with spurs. ‘We shoot to scare,’ he said, ‘not to kill. We hit hard and fast. We get the gold and go to Wheogo.’ Gardiner looked around the room, the faces now lit only by the flaming fire. ‘Who is in?’ The room became a roar of agreement. ‘We leave in the morning,’ Gardiner said, grabbing his book from the floor and walking out the door. ‘Where you off to, Frank?’ Hall asked. Gardiner raised his book. ‘Apparently I am getting lucky tonight,’ Gardiner said. ‘I’m off to see Mrs Kitty Brown.’ And with that it was decided. The biggest heist in Australian history was about to go down.
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