Bedlam Chapter Sampler


“Omen,” Miss Gnosis said, leaning forward, her elbows on her desk and her fingertips pressed together. “We need to talk about your future.” Omen Darkly nodded. The office, filled with the morning sun, was nice and neat and smelled of some exotic spice that was not too pungent. Miss Gnosis had books everywhere. Her desk was packed full of stuff. She looked like she had a lot going on. “Omen,” she said. He looked up. “Yes?” “Your future. How do you envision it?” “I haven’t really thought about it too much.” “I realise that,” Miss Gnosis said in that cool Scottish accent. She pushed a form towards him. “Do you know what this is?” “It’s the SYA.” “And what does SYA stand for?” “Senior Years Agenda.” “Very good.” Miss Gnosis sat back. “What age are you now, Omen?” “Fifteen.” “So you’ve got another two years of school after this one, and maybe two years after that before your Surge. Do you have any idea yet what discipline you want to specialise in?”


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