Bedlam Chapter Sampler
“It’s just, we’re the only set of twins in the class, and Auger can do it all brilliantly, and I’m kind of holding him back.” “I doubt he sees it that way.” Omen gave a little grunt. Miss Gnosis let him out a few minutes early, which allowed him to get to the toilets without being caught in the sudden crush of students. In fact, he had time to take the scenic route to his next class, past both the North and the East Towers. He descended the staircase in the main building, quickening his pace ever so slightly, and arriving outside his next class just as the bell rang. Doors opened and each room vomited forth a never-ending torrent of teenagers dressed in either black trousers or skirts with white shirts and black blazers. A few of Omen’s fellow Fourth Years passed. Their blazers, like his, had green piping. He nodded to them. They ignored him. He shrugged. He took his seat in the next class. Never came in, looking half dead from exhaustion, and sat next to him. “You doing OK?” Omen asked. “No,” Never said, gazing blearily at her desk. “Did we have homework to do?” Omen took out his books. “Yes. You didn’t do it?” Never gave a groan as an answer, and peered at Omen through one eye. “Why are you smiling?” Omen shrugged. “It’s just very unusual to have you being the one who’s struggling while I’m doing all right, that’s all. Maybe it’s a sign that I’m finally getting my life in order, that I’m finally becoming the person I’m meant to be.” “Or,” Never said, “this could not be about you, and actually be about me , and how hard it is to juggle being fabulous at school with being fabulous at having adventures. So, really, it could be either.” “All those adventures taking a toll, are they?” Never laid her forehead on the desk so that her hair covered
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