Extract - The Travelling Bookshop by Katrina Nannestad illustrated by Cheryl Orsini

‘Smells nice,’ says the stocky man. ‘Like cupcakes and tea.’ ‘I do love books,’ says the old woman, her face suddenly softer and younger. They fuss about in the caravan, poking at the books, muttering, until the pretty blonde woman notices the gap between the shelves. ‘Oooh,’ she cries. ‘There’s another room.’ And she slips through. The old woman follows, then the stocky man, turning sideways to fit. Nat and I run after them. ‘Mind your step as you go down!’ I call. ‘The staircase is dark and a little bit rickety … and much longer than you’d expect.’ Our three customers arrive at the bottom of the stairs and gape at the vast room that opens


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