Elementals: Ice Wolves
they’d just caught a f ish, or like it was one of the puppets below. “Don’t play with your food,” she laughed, looking down to see about getting another. It had been a genius idea of hers to use the f ishing line. Nobody ever looked up for a thief. Well, it wasn’t as true these days that nobody ever looked up, not with rumors about dragons in the skies again, but it was still better than thieving on the ground. They’d have to do that tomorrow, to get their hands on some coins. Anders sometimes worried about the stealing, but Rayna always shrugged. “There’s no other way,” she’d say. “We’ll take care of us, and they can take care of them.” Rayna was frowning as the sausage seller handed off the last of his wares to a customer and began packing up his stall, and she dismantled her rod, wandering over to peer down into the alleyway behind their rooftop. “Pssst,” she called, waving Anders across to join her a minute later. “Look at that window.” With a sinking feeling he crossed over, then leaned out to take a look. He was pretty sure
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