Elementals: Ice Wolves
how was he going to get out of here? If she caught him, she’d report him to the Wolf Guard for sure. Just as he was trying to remind himself to breathe slowly, there came a knock at the front door. Seriously? The woman and her hat bustled away to answer, and a moment later he heard Rayna’s cheerful voice, though he couldn’t make out her words. One thing you could say about Rayna was that she always jumped in headf irst, whether or not she had a plan. Suddenly, the woman’s voice grew nearer again. “I told you, I really don’t want—” Rayna didn’t let her get another word in edgewise, and suddenly Anders realized she’d forced her way into the house. “As I said, we’re offering a free sausage to every house, today only, as a sample of our wares. I think you’ll f ind we sell the f inest sausages in the city of Holbard, Dama! Perhaps in all of Vallen!” He watched as Rayna strode past the pantry door, followed by the woman, who was clearly
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