Elementals: Ice Wolves
“Get?” he echoed, pulling on his coat. “What do you mean?” “Get,” she repeated. “It was the pantry, wasn’t it? What food did you take? I had to give her the sausage to get you out. It was a good sausage too.” “I … I didn’t get anything. I was too busy trying to f igure out how to hide, once the window closed,” he admitted. Rayna was quiet for a moment, but then, as she always did when he messed up, she grinned and slung an arm around his shoulders. “Doesn’t matter,” she said cheerfully. “We saw a puppet show today, that was pretty good.” Dusk was falling, and they both knew it was time to hole up for the night. It wasn’t a good idea for twelve-year-olds to be out after nightfall. So they made their way over the rooftops of Holbard until they reached a tavern near the center of town. TheWilyWolf, the sign outside said. They had to move all over the city to scrounge up enough to stay fed, so they couldn’t always make it back to the Wolf at night. But whenever they could, they did. The Wily Wolf was special.
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