Elementals: Ice Wolves
“After ten years of peace,” she continued, “the dragons wish to turn toward war once again.” Well, that part of the speech was new. Things really must be serious if the Fyrstulf was acknowledging them out loud. “Ten years ago the Wolf Guard drove them back from Holbard to their refuges in the mountains, and now we stand ready to do so again. We know that anyone here could be of scorch dragon blood. Could be a spy, willing to risk the safety and stability we have worked so hard to build in the last decade across all of Vallen.” Anders stared at her as she spoke, a shiver running through him that had nothing to do with the nerves the docks usually awoke in him. Even though she spoke about the battle each month, reminded the Vallenites of the danger and the sacrif ices the wolves had made, this month she was more intense than usual, an edge to her voice. Casually, Rayna slipped into place just in front of the mercher, apparently choosing that moment to retie the tattered ribbon at the end of her braid.
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