Elementals: Ice Wolves
In an instant he was in the middle of the memory this place always tried to bring back. The screaming was terror, the wind was carrying smoke, and as Rayna grabbed for him, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He whirled around to see something huge moving amidst the sea of ships’ masts, and his brain conjured up the rumors from the night before—conjured up the memory of the dragon he’d seen with his own eyes just half a year before. His mind made the billowing ship’s sail into a dragon, swooping in toward the port—and then the wind was gone, and he saw the dragon was no more than cloth, and realized the screams were dying away. His heart slammed in his chest as the people around him picked themselves up. “The artifacts are failing,” a woman wailed nearby. “The dragons are doing it,” another hissed. Up on the dais, the Fyrstulf was looking as calm as ever, as if nothing had happened. “The wind arches sometimes require venting,” she said, raising her voice over the hubbub of the crowd. “That should have been arranged for
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