Elementals: Ice Wolves
Anders, and like a crashing wave of ice-cold water had hit him, the embarrassment was gone. This was real —his sister was terrif ied. And this was nothing like any transformation he’d ever seen. He stepped forward, reaching for her, but she screamed again, raw and hoarse, staggering forward to fall from the dais, crashing to the f lagstones below. The crowd jumped away as Rayna rolled onto her back, arms outf lung. Her face darkened to a deep, unnatural burgundy, then shifted to shades of bright crimson, as if all her skin were bleeding at once. Hints of gold, bronze, and copper snaked in, glinting in the sun, racing down her neck to disappear beneath her clothes. As Anders watched in horror, frozen to the spot, her arms and legs seemed to stretch impossibly long, and the arms of her coat stretched and split, the tearing noise of the fabric lost beneath the screams of the crowd. The fabric shredded and vanished in seconds as Rayna’s body grew, doubling in size, then tripling, her neck lengthening, her mouth open
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