Elementals: Ice Wolves
Anders, and he scrambled for the shelter of the wreckage behind him as the ice spears f lew, and the crowd screamed, and the wolves howled. Then, besidehim, he sawit—theStaff ofHadda. It was half buried in the wreckage of the dais, along with Anders. That smooth, worn pole had somehow triggered this dreadful transformation. He had to find a way to use it to transform Rayna back, but as he tried to make himself reach for it, he found himself yanking back his hand instead. What would happen to him if he touched it? Above him, the dragon—Rayna—screamed again, and he made himself grab for the staff. Pain rushed through him, setting his arms and legs on f ire, and the screams of the crowd grew unbearably loud, his ears f illing with the high-pitched wall of noise, his nose suddenly f illed with the scent of sweat, of wet woolen clothing, and the musk of wolf fur. He felt his shirt tearing, and as his senses overwhelmed him, he could only think of one thing— run ! He dug his f ingertips—his claws (his what ?!)—into the f lagstones, scrambling free of the wreckage and pushing through the crowds,
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