Elementals: Ice Wolves
Suddenly seized by panic, he spun in a circle, stretching out his tail to catch his balance, and he— his tail! Understanding caught up to him in a rush, and he heard himself softly whimper. Rayna was a scorch dragon, and he was an ice wolf . He forced himself to stay silent, to stop panting, and again tried desperately to collect his thoughts. He had to find her. He had to explain to somebody that she was no dragon, she wasn’t the enemy—she was his twin, and it was impossible for the same family to transform into both wolf and dragon. The wolves defended Vallen against the dragons. It was forbidden to even befriend one, let alone share a family. Somehow this had been done to her—he was positive she was his twin, so there must be trickery involved—and he had to make the Wolf Guard understand that she wasn’t on the side of the dragons before they hurt her. But f irst, he had to f ind a way to become human again, so he could speak. Though he was unquestionably still himself inside this
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