HarperCollins Media Bites May 2021

MAY 2 021 – NON - F ICT ION

We make thousands of decisions every day, from minute choices we don’t even know we’re making, up to great, agonising deliberations. But when every decision we make is life-changing, the way we reach them matters. And for every decision, there is noise. This book teaches us how to understand all the extraneous factors that impact and bias our decision-making – and how to combat them and improve our thinking. Filled with new science, fascinating case studies and revealing practical examples, the skills this book teaches can be readily used by private or public institutions, by schools, hospitals, businesses, judges and in our everyday lives. Noise DAN I E L K AHN EMAN , OL I V I E R S I BONY & CAS S R . SUNS T E I N

Julia Makes It Easy J U L I A MORR I S Hilariously half-baked life advice from another deluded celebrity. Life is hard. Families, friends, jobs, bills. So much pressure, and everyone else seems to make it look so simple. But don’t panic, Lady JMo is here to help you live the perfect Julia Morris life. Julia’s hilarious brand of nice-but-not- very-bright advice, slacker life hacks and impractical solutions to practical issues is 0% guaranteed to transform your life with the bare minimum of effort or time. And if she can’t do that, she’ll at least show you how to cover up the mess she made and make it all look OK on Instagram. EASY!

Released: 05/05/21 TPB | 352pp AU $34.99 NZ $36.99 Imprint: HarperCollins

Released: 05/05/21 TPB | 352pp AU $34.99 NZ $36.99 Imprint: HarperCollins

Comparisonitis ME L I S SA AMBROS I N I It creeps up on you without warning – perhaps while chatting with a friend, scrolling through social media, or even just while walking down the street. All it takes is the hint of someone doing or having something you perceive as ‘better’ than you, and it hits. A feeling takes over – intense, blinding, gutting. Your brain starts spinning with toxic thoughts about yourself (or others), and you’re left feeling ashamed, guilty, and even worthless. It’s called comparisonitis. And if you’ve suffered from it, you’re NOT alone. Comparisonitis is a contagious, socially transmitted condition that occurs when you compare yourself to others so frequently and fiercely that you’re left paralyzed, with your confidence in tatters and your self-worth plummeting. It may sound trivial, but this affliction can have serious adverse effects on our mental health, leading to depression, anxiety, overthinking, and regret. To make matters worse, our comparison culture is only expanding. Thanks to social media, we have more opportunities to compare ourselves than ever before, and even kids are falling into the trap.

Released: 05/05/21 TPB | 304pp

AU $29.99 NZ $34.99 Imprint: HarperCollins melissaambrosini.com


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