Heroes of the Secret Underground Chapter Sampler
This time, they’ve been away forever. To perform for the new millennium. ‘It is nearly the end of this year. The year two thousand. A year for peace.’ Pa breathes deeply. ‘We hope that there will be no more war. Your parents play for peace. I am proud.’ But Teddy isn’t proud. He misses them at night and cries sometimes. Louie misses them too. Louie breathes in the scent of the flowers in her arms. She frowns as Bert hurtles through the hallway carrying Grandma’s crystal vase, with Teddy flying behind him. ‘Don’t. You’ll knock over—’ Louie shouts, but it’s too late. Bert collides with Grandma. He catches the vase. But not Grandma, who topples, spinning into a swirl of silver tassels. Louie grasps her arm. Teddy screeches to a halt. Honey bounces into a guard position, her eyes glaring and shaggy tail pointed in the air. Red faced, Bert’s forehead creases into worry lines. ‘Sorry, Grandma. Sorry. Are you all right?’ Her emerald-green eyes sparkle. ‘I am good, my darling, but you go too fast. The beautiful vase your Pa gave me could have been broken.’ Her Hungarian accent makes her voice sound musical. ‘But it is safe again.’ She glances at Louie. ‘Ah, the flowers are beautiful. For the new guests.’ She flutters her shawl, stroking Louie’s cheek with a tassel. ‘I love you, Grandma.’ ‘I love you, my darling Louie.’
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