Heroes of the Secret Underground Chapter Sampler

her finger, she uncovers pathways, symbols and strange letters, like a magical language. Creasing her forehead, Louie bends to look closer. She sighs at the confusing lines and curious symbols. There’re only detours and dead ends. Shaking the locket, she’s surprised by rattling. Something’s inside. She tries to open it, forcing the tiny clasps, worrying the hinges, jiggling the edges. Why won’t it open? Open. Open. Open. There’s an ear-splitting creak and Louie twists around. It’s Teddy scooting through the Manor Room door. He gives an ‘I’m on a quest’ whoop and he’s off, with Honey scampering after him. Bert lurches for Teddy but misses. Teddy’s cape whooshes behind him, leaving a trail of red. ‘Stop. Stop,’ Louie calls out, and slides the necklace back into her pocket. Teddy hoots happily ahead, as Bert and Louie chase him along the hallway, up the winding stairs, around the rickety watchtower staircase. Teddy darts through the narrow door at the top, into the watchtower filled with the bric-a-brac from the days before the Majestic was a hotel, when it was a school for girls. Bert charges into the watchtower and trips over a book. Behind him, Louie quickly picks it up, shoving A Christmas Carol back into the ancient library. The bookshelf wobbles. Teddy’s stuffed owl, Bagoly, sitting on top of the shelf, tips onto the floor. Jumping over Bagoly, Louie stumbles into a harp that spurts screechy


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