

The Wholesome Cook: Recipes for Life’s Seasons MA R T Y N A A NG E L L

180 modern yet uncomplicated wholefood recipes that support wellness whatever your age or stage in life ‘The modern way to eat… life-changing’ Hetty McKinnon, Community: Salad Recipes from Arthur Street Kitchen Like the calendar year, the body has its seasons and no one understands this better than Martyna Angell, author of the bestselling book The Wholesome Cook and the popular and award-winning blog of the same name. In her new book The Wholesome Cook: Recipes for Life’s Seasons , Martyna focuses on bio-individualism — the recognition that we are all physiologically different — and offers 180 endlessly flexible recipes that can be adapted to gluten-free for coeliacs, while many can easily be made refined-sugar free, dairy-free, egg-free, nut-free, vegetarian, vegan, Paleo and FODMAP-friendly. Twenty of Martyna’s superstar friends from the wellness community offer their favourite healthy recipes in this book, which is packed with nutritional information on sugar, fat, soy, grains, gluten, dairy and the gut microbiome based on the most recent research. The Wholesome Cook: Recipes for Life’s Seasons is not just a cookbook, it’s a guide to a creative approach to food and achieving the optimal healthy lifestyle.

9781489251220 | AU $49.99 NZ $49.99 Hardback | 352pp | Released: 19/02/18

Sydney, NSW

Publicity Contact: Natika Palka,

Dictatorland: The Men Who Stole Africa PAU L K E N YON

A vivid, heartbreaking portrait of the fate that so many African countries suffered after independence. The dictator who grew so rich on his country’s cocoa crop that he built a 35-storey-high basilica in the jungles of the Ivory Coast. The austere, incorruptible leader who has shut Eritrea off from the world in a permanent state of war and conscripted every adult into the armed forces. In Equatorial Guinea, the paranoid despot who thought Hitler was the saviour of Africa and waged a relentless campaign of terror against his own people. The Libyan army officer who authored a new work of political philosophy, The Green Book , and lived in a tent with a harem of female soldiers, running his country like a mafia family business. And behind these incredible stories of violence and excess lie the dark secrets of Western greed and complicity, the insatiable taste for chocolate, oil, diamonds and gold that have encouraged dictators to rule with an iron hand, siphoning off their share of the action into mansions in Paris and banks in Zurich, and keeping their people in dire poverty.

9781788541909 | AU $34.99 NZ $37.99 Trade paperback | 432pp | Released: 19/02/18

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