Media Bites April 2020
A PR I L 2 02 0 – NON - F ICT ION
Phosphorescence J U L I A BA I RD A beautiful, intimate and inspiring investigation into how we can find and nurture within ourselves that essential quality of internal happiness - the ‘light within’ that Julia Baird calls ‘phosphorescence’ - which will sustain us even through the darkest times.
Think Like A Monk JAY SH E T T Y
Released: 23/03/20 NSH | 320pp AU $32.99 NZ $36.99 Imprint: 4th Estate Publicity contact: Alice Wood
Released: 14/04/20 TPB | 320pp AU $32.99 NZ $36.99 Imprint: Thorsons Publicity contact: Lara Wallace a Monk reveals how to overcome negative thoughts and habits, and access the calm and purpose that lie within all of us. In this inspiring, empowering book, Shetty draws on his time as a monk in the Vedic tradition to show us how we can clear the roadblocks to our potential and power. Drawing on ancient wisdom and his own experiences in the ashram, Think Like
Eat Like The Animals DAV I D R AU B E NH E I ME R AND S T E PH E N J . S I MPSON Mixing a nutritionally balanced diet, with a precise ratio of protein to carbohydrate, seems daunting, but animals, from apes to cockroaches, all manage it instinctively. It comes down to the essential role of appetite to communicate the body’s needs to the brain. Humans have this ability too, but our appetites have been hijacked in the modern food environment, causing obesity and the serious diseases that come with it.
Released: 23/03/20 TPB | 256pp
AU $29.99 NZ $32.99 Imprint: HarperCollins Publicity contact: Brendan Fredericks
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