September2018 pub cat FA
Every Woman’s Guide to Saving the Planet NATA L I E I S A AC S
The Contented Bee ORG AN I C G A RD E N E R MAG A Z I N E
9780733339387 e 9781460710029 AU $35.00 NZ $39.99 Paperback | 304pp Released: 20/08/18
9780733339677 e 9781460710784 AU $32.99 NZ $36.00 Paperback | 336pp Released: 20/08/18
All the buzz on keeping backyard bees.
Sydney, NSW
Part-memoir, part-toolkit, by the inspiring founder of 1 Million Women, the global movement empowering women to take action on climate change. Sydney mother Natalie Isaacs used to think climate change was someone else’s problem. But when she set out to reduce her power bill by 20 per cent and achieved it easily, she had an epiphany. Realising that women make most of the purchasing decisions in the home and so have genuine power to make a difference, she went on to found 1 Million Women. With members and followers now numbering more than 700,000, the community is a global movement that actively empowers women to engage with and take action on climate change by making simple changes to the ways they and their families live their lives. This book combines Natalie Isaacs’s inspiring story with practical advice for reducing your carbon footprint and mobilising your community around the biggest issue of our time: climate change. With loads of tips, tricks, easy-to-understand infographics and an inspiring can-do message, this book is for every woman who wants to make a difference but just isn’t sure how.
With bees worldwide in deadly peril, Australians are keen to lend a helping hand. Keeping a hive has become a popular lifestyle trend — and it’s more achievable than you might think. Whether you’re in the inner city, suburbs or on acreage, keeping bees can be fun for the whole family. This lively guide features inspirational stories and photos from enthusiasts across Australia. Practical chapters by a range of experts give the low-down on getting started, caring for your bees, harvesting your honey and wax (with recipes), troubleshooting, what to plant to assist beekeeping, and great information on the popular option of keeping native stingless bees. ABC Organic Gardener magazine is Australia’s leading organic gardening masthead. The Contented Bee includes top advice from beekeeping enthusiast Jessamy Miller, native bee specialist Tim Heard, Urban Hum’s Kelly Lees, CERES’s chief beekeeper, Benedict Hughes, and horticulturist Jennifer Stackhouse, and recipes by the much-loved bestselling cook, Sally Wise.
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Great Australian Bush Funeral Stories B I L L MA R S H
Death doesn’t always mean the end of memorable stories from the bush. In fact, often it’s just the beginning. These tales from police, nurses, funeral directors, priests, gravediggers and those left behind show that bush ingenuity comes to the fore when coping with corpses that won’t cooperate or can’t be found, bodies that don’t stay buried, and weather and wildlife trying to sabotage the best-planned funerals. This memorable and eye-opening collection of real-life accounts of passing away and saying goodbye in the Australian bush is by turns, poignant, bizarre, heartbreaking and hilarious. Bill ‘Swampy’ Marsh is an award-winning writer and performer of stories, songs and plays. He spent most of his youth in rural south-western NSW and now lives in Adelaide. Swampy is one of ABC Books’s bestselling authors of Australian stories; this is his 17th book.
9780733338588 e 9781460708859 AU $32.99 Trade Paperback | 304pp Released: 20/08/18
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Adelaide, SA
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