The Worlds Worst Teachers extract
When Master Pent spotted a huge steel ball, he was eager to put to the test
this whole circumference–diameter nonsense. As he fumbled in his pencil case for his ruler, he failed to see that this huge steel ball was, in fact, swinging straight towards him at speed. It was meant to destroy an old block of flats that was standing right behind him. Instead it struck the boy. On the head. Hard. Really hard. W H O O S H !
M a s t e r P e n t w a s k n o c k e d o u t
t h e b a l l b a t t e d h i m i n t o t h e a i r . c o l d . T h a t w a s j u s t a s w e l l , a s 3.14 miles
W H I Z Z !
He flew (interestingly enough) exactly 3.14 miles
before smashing through the roof of a shed in a back garden.
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