The Worlds Worst Teachers extract
As balls go, this has to be one of the biggest and heaviest there is. After all, it is made of steel and swung from a crane to destroy buildings. BISH! BASH! BOSH! Being a child whose fate it was to become a Maths teacher, it will not surprise you to learn that Master Pent had no time for toys or games or anything that might be considered fun. No, this mathematics-loving child filled his days with times tables, prime numbers, fractions, quadratic equations, trigonometry and (for most of us normal folk, the absolutely dreaded) long division.* One rainy afternoon, Master Pent was on his way home from his school Maths Club. Maths Club was the world’s most boring after-school club. Master Pent was, in fact,
* In some countries, long division is actually a form of torture. “NO! NO! NOT LONG DIVISION! ANYTHING BUT LONG DIVISION! I CONFESS!”
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