Elementals: Ice Wolves
Their mark was a broad-shouldered man with a bright red-and-blue jacket of thin, silky material that f luttered in the breeze. The red on his coat was their f irst clue that he would be an easy target—it was the color of a dragon, so locals rarely wore it. The f limsy materials and the long, sweeping sleeves of the mercher’s coat suggested he came from the Dewdrops Archipelago, and that he’d most likely arrived recently, since he clearly hadn’t planned for Vallen’s cold winds. As a newcomer, all his attention was probably on Sigrid Turnsen right now. And possibly on how much he wished he had a more practical coat. “Now, more than ever, we must remain vigilant,” the Fyrstulf was saying, her voice ringing out across the square as Anders took up position. He’d heard this speech every month since he was six, but it never sounded boring. The power in the Fyrstulf ’s voice always kept a part of his attention on her. Rayna did a pretty good impression of the speech, but Anders could never f ind it in himself to laugh at Sigrid Turnsen.
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