Funny Kid Get Licked
George Khan has this way of asking you questions and then answering themhimself before you have a chance to say anything. Surely he’s going to see that we all have bulging, wriggling tummies. There’s no way we’re getting away with this! YOU SHOULD SEE THE NEW FUTON I PICKED UP YESTERDAY. DID YOU SEE IT? YOU DIDN’T. I’D SHOW IT TO YOU NOW EXCEPT SERGE IS DRESSING IT. DRESSING A FUTON IS A REAL TALENT, YOU KNOW. SOME PEOPLE THINK THEY KNOW HOW TO DO IT, BUT I TELL YOU, I HAVE SEEN SOME HIDEOUSLY DRESSED FUTONS IN MY TIME. WHENEVER I SEE ONE, I CAN JUST LOOK AT IT AND TELL IT WASN’T DONE BY SERGE.
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