Funny Kid Get Licked
I have no idea what a futon is. I’m beginning to think that Mr Khan is so giddy-excited about his photoshoot that he might not notice we’re clearly hiding things under our shirts. Maybe we’ll get away with it after all. Then I feel something very warm. My eyes go wide. Oh, no. This cannot be happening right now!The warmth spreads quickly across my tummy and then runs down my legs. The puppy is peeing on me! I look down in horror. My pants are quickly turning dark and damp, and there is a puddle forming at my feet! Seriously, M-Dog? You were just in the toilet! Couldn’t you have done it there? I look up and realise I’m not the only one whose eyes are wide! Everyone, including George Khan, is staring at the puddle on the floor. Mr Khan’s mouth hangs open.
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