The Worlds Worst Teachers extract
Master Pent didn’t wake up until a whole week later. He discovered he was in hospital with an incredibly sore bandaged head. “OUCH!” he yelped. “My head hurts.” The boy had to keep the bandage on for six whole months, and looked as if he were wearing a nappy on his head. “HA! HA! NAPPY BOY!” laughed the other kids. Ever since the fateful day of his accident, Pent detested balls of any kind. The sight of anything round was enough to bring back terrible memories of that great big steel ball. CLONK ! So, when he grew up and became a Maths teacher, Mr Pent was dismayed to find that in St Orb’s School , where he taught, there were balls, balls and more balls, each one reminding him of the worst day of his life. “HARRUMPH!” he harrumphed.
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